From one of the most influential and prolific journalist Chicago has to offer comes a gritty and compelling narrative on inner-city trauma. Through the use of personal stories and interviews with local journalists and media influencers, Vee L. Harrison exposes the impact of generational trauma on Black people living in the inner-city of Chicago. Hood Healing sounds the alarm on what it means to be “woke” by boldly challenging young people to disrupt and dismantle their own trauma and encouraging its readers to embark upon a journey of self-healing. With passion, transparency and courage, Harrison shares her own experiences of growing up on the West Side of Chicago and how making peace with her own trauma has forever transformed her life.
Intellectual Radio Interview Clip
WVON Radio Interview Clip
Vee L. Harrison
Since 2008, Chicago Journalist Vee L. Harrison has written for an array of print and online publications across the city and surrounding suburbs. Harrison has been featured in esteemed Chicago publications including Ebony Magazine and Chicago Sun-Times and has gained acknowledgement for her works in community journalism. Harrison has spoken to over a dozen audiences on local journalism and the needs for African-American representation in the media, specifically women in print and broadcast journalism. Harrison has worked in a number of Chicago Public Schools as an advocate of inner-city journalism and fair media coverage in Chicago’s communities. She’s served as a bold face in media on Chicago’s political and entertainment beats and has received national recognition for her printed work and her community advocacy. She currently works as a media consultant delivering a full service of communication needs to several Chicago organizations. She serves as a Board Member of Project Style, a 501(c)3 organization, uses fashion as a tool to engage and empower disadvantaged youth at an age when confidence is most critical. Harrison is a mother of five children, and lives in the suburbs of Chicago.
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